Sales - KIT
AL Commissions
Streamline commission management for all your company's agents with automated calculations in Microsoft 365 Business Central.
Discover moreAL Free Gift
Manage free gifts and free of charge transactions automatically, for VAT items and VAT exempt items, on Microsoft 365 Business Central.
Discover moreAL Discounts and Pricing
Manage prices and discounts, including compound discounts, directly from Purchase and Sales orders with AL Discounts and Pricing.
Discover moreAL Document Templates
Manage your documents with Templates. Choose among various documents and set up pre-populated fields in customized templates.
Customize as many templates as you need.
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Accounting and Analytics - KIT
AL Dimensions
It adds up to 10 dimensions on each category giving you extended filtering options on your data and ledger entries.
Discover moreFinance - KIT
AL Update Posted Documents
Modify or delete posted documents in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
AL Payment Management and Outstanding Balances
Modify payment conditions and know all the outstanding balances related to a specific customer or document.
AL Fatturazione Elettronica
Use this snippet to build various types of components that feature a left- or right-aligned image alongside textual content. Duplicate the element to create a list that fits your needs.
Discover moreAL Combined Shipments
Issue combined invoices for specific shipment groups, according to the chosen criteria. Make processes easier and save time
AL Arxivar
AL Arxivar allows the automatic management of electronic invoices. It allows users to avoid manual procedures, letting them import invoices directly into their system and easily export them to their clients.